About Me

I started practicing the Feldenkrais Method over 25 years ago and later expanded my expertise with professional training in Tel Aviv. For around 15 years, it was a personal passion as I immersed myself in Dr. Feldenkrais' teachings. About a decade ago, I began learning the JKA method, specifically designed for children with special needs—a path I hadn’t anticipated would become my vocation.

The transition happened unexpectedly during a JKA session when a grandmother asked me to work with her grandson. Shortly after, a mother who observed my work with her daughter in class approached me as well.

Following my move from Israel to Berlin, I received an invitation from a mother in Moscow, which led to opportunities in various cities across Russia and Ukraine, including Kiev, Saint Petersburg, Odessa, Lviv, Kazan, and Kharkiv. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I pivoted to online sessions, empowering parents to support their children effectively from home.

One of my goals is to give parents the knowledge and tools they need to help their children. I teach them how to incorporate essential exercises into simple, everyday activities, so that progress can be made in the most natural and accessible way possible.

This transition to online sessions has been remarkably successful, and I continue to offer my services virtually to families around the world.

Exercises you can do yourself!